Allied Baptist Churches of Dallas

The purpose of the ABCD Network is to glorify God and manifest His character by establishing excellence and productivity in small churches in the Greater Dallas urban community.

Next Meeting


September 23, 2024 10:00 AM


Dallas Baptist Association


8001 E R L Thornton Fwy

Dallas, Texas 75228

Map Link

More Information

What is the ABCD NETWORK anyway?
The ABCD Network of smaller churches was born during the first Dallas Baptist Association Evangelism Conference in 2002. Two pastors shared a conceptual idea with another pastor, and they bathed it in prayer. The Network took shape with the goal to bring smaller churches together to share "resources", both finances and people to win Dallas, Texas for Jesus Christ. Since that time we have added other churches. The Dallas Baptist Association and the Baptist General Convention of Texas have supplied people and financial resources to assist smaller churches. The concept is simple, we can do more, more effectively when we join together to do ministry. We are planning a Sunday School conference for small churches, a round of revivals, a coordinated community survey team, and we need counselors for summer camps. We believe that a great opportunity exists to develop small churches by planning resource networking, sharing strategies, coordinating ministries, and committing mutual support.
Example of Cooperation
The ABCD Network of Churches joins together with the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Dallas Baptist Association to sponsor an annual Sunday School and Leadership Conference. This is a training event that a small church would not be able to successfully accomplish alone. By working together, the ABCD churches provide excellent training for many churches.
  1. Reach urban and suburban DFW with the gospel.
  2. Organize for excellent ministry.
  3. Be productive for God's Kingdom.
  4. Seeking at all times to advance God's Kingdom.
  5. Support fellow pastors through challenging life circumstances.
Network Cohesion
The glue that holds this network together is that the ABCD pastors develop relationships where there is freedom to share hurts, challenges, concerns, and successes as well as ideas. The meetings include prayer, praise, a study from the Word to inspire pastoral and personal growth, and a time to plan ministry projects together. Join ABCD today and you can feel a part of something bigger than just your church.